Razz Yoga

Bring our community to you at home (or on the road). 

We are happy to provide you with the same warm welcoming yoga experience you’ve always known led by our incredible instructors. 

When you practice online with Razz Yoga, you have two options. 

Our Razz On Demand video library allows you to choose the class that fits you best. At whatever time fits you best. In whatever place you happen to be. Our extensive library offers  many classes to choose from. 

With Razz LIVE- livestream classes, you practice along with your instructor in real-time! And while you never want to be late for class, with Razz LIVE, you’re going to want to be early. Heather kicks off our pre-class community time 15 minutes before each livestream class begins. This time is special - it’s set aside for you to connect with your yoga community - for us all to feel at home. Together.

Beginning June 2022 Razz livestream classes can be found at 


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About Us:

Find balance in our home.

At Razz Yoga, we value home and all it represents. The cozy, comfortable, “I belong” feeling that home gives you. Home is where you can exhale and embrace simple pleasures. When you come home, you are welcomed, taken care of, cared for and about. These are the feelings we want for you at Razz - your home for yoga. 

We are dedicated to helping our community find balance. Our wish for you is that you feel welcomed, encouraged, and accepted. 

Come home to community.